Today I decided to write a note in Polish, just to see how much easier is it for me :P
Koniec weekendu, a ja padam ^ ^ Tak się złożyło, że Moni siostra pojechała na wesele z chłopakiem i zostawili puste mieszkanie w Warszawie :D Oczywiście okazja niesamowita, żeby przenocować, o co siostra też Monię poprosiła. Było tylko małe „ale”… Trzeba było się psem przy okazji zająć ^ ^ Już kiedyś tak sobie przez kilka dni tam mieszkałyśmy i psem się opiekowałyśmy, więc problemu nie było. Poprzednio było niesamowicie zabawnie i teraz też się nie rozczarowałam :D Siedziałyśmy sobie, gadałyśmy na przeróżne tematy – jak to my zawsze :P Od bardzo poważnych, po bardzo głupie xD
Wieczorem pojechałyśmy na Juwenalia na koncert Comy (yeee!! :D). Przy okazji nieprzyjemna sytuacja z Alą wyszła, z Asią też, ale jestem teraz zbyt zmęczona, żeby to opisywać. To takie skomplikowane a jednocześnie błahe, że nawet szkoda, żebym się teraz niezmiernie wysilała opisując to :P Bardzo nie lubię takiego wyolbrzymiania drobnostek, robienia wielkiej rzeczy z niczego… Ale ostatnio zauważyłam, że dziewczyny mają do tego skłonność :/ Nic, dość, że powiem, że oznajmiły mi, że muszą ze mną poważnie porozmawiać, więc pewnie jeszcze się nasłucham odnośnie sobotniej sytuacji i innych… _-_”
Wracając do miłego wątku – koncert był świetny! Roguc humor miał, dużo gadał między piosenkami, żartował. Nawet jakoś bardzo tłoczno nie było (być może z powodu później godziny – po 22, i duuużego obszaru na którym koncert się odbywał). Wyskakałam się, wyśpiewałam, że aż miło… :] Podeszłabym pewnie bardzo blisko pod scenę, ale Monia miała małe opory przed wchodzeniem w tłum, więc nie nalegałam.
Po koncercie zahaczyłyśmy o Maca, bo taaaaki głód nas dopadł :P A że Mac do 3 w nocy czynny, to sobie posiedziałyśmy, zjadłyśmy spokojnie. Fajnie by było mieszkać w Warszawie i móc robić sobie takie nocne wypady po mieście, mmm, marzenie. Teraz wiadomo, dojazdem jestem ograniczona. Albo mogę tylko do 12 pobyć, albo aż do 5 rano muszę tam czekać… A idealnym rozwiązaniem byłby powrót do domu między 2:00-3:00 w nocy ^_^
Przez te wszystkie szaleństwa, koncerty, Mac’i, rozmowy do 4:00 nad ranem, jestem do tyłu ze snem – muszę nadrobić szybciutko, tak więc dobranoc ;P
Siostra Moni jest posiadaczką prześlicznych filiżanek - bardzo mi sie spodobały i przez cały czas popijałyśmy z nich czerwoną herbatkę (gejfrutową jak się okazało :P znaczy grapefruitową)
Zwyczajne śniadanie z prześliczną filiżanką, gejfrutową herbatką, a wszystko to podane na jakże uroczym krześle kuchennym xD
A to już scena na Juwenaliach. Koncert odbywał się na Podzamczu - nie dość, że daleko to jeszcze ciężko trafić jak się nie wie, gdzie to jest (a my nie wiedziałyśmy jakoś tak przypadkiem... xP)
Więcej Comy :)
Mac'owa kolacja o 1:00 w nocy ^.^
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Philip Zimbardo & Tibetan monk
I’m so happy because research that I’ve been doing for my thesis supervisor is almost over. I’ve done my part, now only have to give back all filled in questionnaires that different women were doing for me. I’m really glad I’ve done my job good ;)
On Friday afternoon I’ve been on a lecture of Philip Zimbardo on another university. He is a famous psychologist that create Stanford Prison Experiment, which shocked everyone. The lecture was about nature of evil. So fascinating! Philip Zimbardo is an extraordinary man! He showed us some pictures and short films. His talking was so interesting! He was speaking English, without translator (what makes me happy ^ ^) so I can practice my understanding skills ;) I didn’t understand only few words in almost 2 hours of lecture. (but I know I’m good in understanding, speaking and writing is the small problem ;)
If you’re interested in nature of evil, please read new book of Philip Zimbardo - “The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil”. There is a lot of interesting stuff on this site:
Also on Friday, when I was waiting for that lecture, decided to do something in the meantime. I found The Asia and Pacific Museum – always want to go there and now had time to do this. I didn’t know, but on that day in museum there was a ceremony of making mandala. I didn’t know what ceremony is all about and I’ve been worrying that when I go there, should stay to the end – but I haven’t got that much time. Museum workers were so nice, told me that I can go and see the ceremony and may go out when I want. Decided to go and watch the ceremony.
It was… strange. The museum is just 2 small exhibition halls. In the second hall Tibetan monk was sitting on the floor and doing something. 3 people were sitting around and watch, one more was filming it. When I come closer I saw a ‘picture’ on the floor that the monk was making. It was mandala made of sand! So amazing how the monk was doing it! For me even the monk was fascinating! ^_^ First time in my life I’ve seen Tibetan monk for myself! It was a little bit mystique… and hypnotic. I look at the working monk for half an hour and I felt like I was watching for only 1 minute!
Yesterday finally I went on Juwenalia! :D At Syrenka Stadium was a concert of IRA, Wilki, Dżem. There were more bands playing of course, but only those were interesting for me :) Went there with 3 of my friends and met one more. It was ladies night, because our male friends (well, few of them) went to Scorpions concert.
We were having such a great time! At the beginning were sitting in a park, on green grass, drinking alcohol (drinking in public places is forbidden in Poland, but during Juwenalia police shut their eyes to this… well, I haven’t seen any policeman yesterday :P). Then we went to concert, singing and jumping, dancing, screaming… It was just great!
And in the next week Coma will be playing! Can’t wait! :D
On Friday afternoon I’ve been on a lecture of Philip Zimbardo on another university. He is a famous psychologist that create Stanford Prison Experiment, which shocked everyone. The lecture was about nature of evil. So fascinating! Philip Zimbardo is an extraordinary man! He showed us some pictures and short films. His talking was so interesting! He was speaking English, without translator (what makes me happy ^ ^) so I can practice my understanding skills ;) I didn’t understand only few words in almost 2 hours of lecture. (but I know I’m good in understanding, speaking and writing is the small problem ;)
If you’re interested in nature of evil, please read new book of Philip Zimbardo - “The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil”. There is a lot of interesting stuff on this site:
Also on Friday, when I was waiting for that lecture, decided to do something in the meantime. I found The Asia and Pacific Museum – always want to go there and now had time to do this. I didn’t know, but on that day in museum there was a ceremony of making mandala. I didn’t know what ceremony is all about and I’ve been worrying that when I go there, should stay to the end – but I haven’t got that much time. Museum workers were so nice, told me that I can go and see the ceremony and may go out when I want. Decided to go and watch the ceremony.
It was… strange. The museum is just 2 small exhibition halls. In the second hall Tibetan monk was sitting on the floor and doing something. 3 people were sitting around and watch, one more was filming it. When I come closer I saw a ‘picture’ on the floor that the monk was making. It was mandala made of sand! So amazing how the monk was doing it! For me even the monk was fascinating! ^_^ First time in my life I’ve seen Tibetan monk for myself! It was a little bit mystique… and hypnotic. I look at the working monk for half an hour and I felt like I was watching for only 1 minute!
Yesterday finally I went on Juwenalia! :D At Syrenka Stadium was a concert of IRA, Wilki, Dżem. There were more bands playing of course, but only those were interesting for me :) Went there with 3 of my friends and met one more. It was ladies night, because our male friends (well, few of them) went to Scorpions concert.
We were having such a great time! At the beginning were sitting in a park, on green grass, drinking alcohol (drinking in public places is forbidden in Poland, but during Juwenalia police shut their eyes to this… well, I haven’t seen any policeman yesterday :P). Then we went to concert, singing and jumping, dancing, screaming… It was just great!
And in the next week Coma will be playing! Can’t wait! :D
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Bad luck?
I don’t know should I feel sad or angry? Wasn’t in the club yesterday :( I wasn’t feeling good – got diarrhoea _-_ Something must have upset my stomach :P
Today I felt good so to cheered myself up I went for shopping ;D Went to Warsaw to shopping centre… and what turned out? That today is a holiday! Zielone Świątki! (church holiday in Poland) ALL shops were closed! (trade ban) Grrrr! I didn’t know about that - and a lot of people also (it’s because the government have decided about trade ban on that day just last year).
Because the weather was nice I decided to go visit my grandparents. They were on garden plot. There was so beautiful! So colourful! But I didn’t have my camera with me :P
My grandma gave me flowers so I can put them in a vase. They look nice in my room :)
I played a bit with my camera and flowers ^ ^
It was fun!
When I was back home I cooked sauce in my huge wok ^ ^ (it's a present from my dad) Cooking is a big pleasure to me :)
Today I felt good so to cheered myself up I went for shopping ;D Went to Warsaw to shopping centre… and what turned out? That today is a holiday! Zielone Świątki! (church holiday in Poland) ALL shops were closed! (trade ban) Grrrr! I didn’t know about that - and a lot of people also (it’s because the government have decided about trade ban on that day just last year).
Because the weather was nice I decided to go visit my grandparents. They were on garden plot. There was so beautiful! So colourful! But I didn’t have my camera with me :P
My grandma gave me flowers so I can put them in a vase. They look nice in my room :)
I played a bit with my camera and flowers ^ ^
It was fun!
When I was back home I cooked sauce in my huge wok ^ ^ (it's a present from my dad) Cooking is a big pleasure to me :)
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Holidays and Juwenalia
There was a holidays lately in Poland.
- 1st May – Święto Pracy (Labour Day) it’s day off – public holiday
- 3rd May – Święto Konstytucji it’s day free from work too :) – national holiday
If you take 1 extra day off there was 4 days free from work :) We called it “długi weekend” (long weekend). On my university they were so kind that gave us that extra day :)
Me and my family decided to go on the seaside for this free time. My mum didn’t want to go – she prefer staying at home than traveling ^ ^” On the trip was my dad, sister with husband and their child – my 4-years old nephew :) and me of course. I was having a lot of doubts is this trip going to be fun. You know – trip with your family and kid isn’t the same that with friends. But it turns out a really fine trip. There wasn’t any fights – almost :P but I suspected it will be worst.
Unfortunately weather wasn’t kind for us :/ It was cold and cloudy. Despite that, we walked on the beach few times. My nephew was enchanted by sand – he could dig in it for hours xD I was admiring views, listening the swoosh of surf, looking for shells and… shrimps! O_o It turns out that in Bałtyk are shrimps! Couldn’t believe that, thought they don’t live in salty water :P
Now I have a weekend and a lot is going on :) There are Juwenalia in Poland – it’s a big, outdoor event for all students! I love it! Once in a year, for almost month in Warsaw (and other big cities in Poland) every student can go on various concerts for free, there are parades too… During that time, students drinks a lot and have a really good time. Because the finals are coming they are having extra fun on Juwenalia, after that there will be only study ^ ^
I’m not going on any concert this weekend. Some of my friends are, but I’ll go to club tonight with my best friend and her pals. It’s going to be great! :D Can’t wait!
Yesterday was with Monia in Warsaw to have some drinks and talk. We’re walking for almost hour, coz couldn’t decide where to go for that drinks ^ ^ Finally found small but nice bar with pancakes and drinks :) We ate and then drink a bit… More than “a bit” ^ ^ But it was so fun!
A lot of rape near the coast.
Cloudy, isn't it?
Shrimp on my nephew's toy shovel ^ ^
Love the sea!
Dad gone out to sea and caught a few fish.
Seaport in Władysławowo.
Don't know what it is, looks strange but nice ^.^
Few pictures from our walking & searching for right bar with drinks.
Burn + wodka and some picture on the wall inside "4 kąty".
Martini + Sprite.
Ours pancakes looks a bit like pizza ^ ^ very tasty though.
- 1st May – Święto Pracy (Labour Day) it’s day off – public holiday
- 3rd May – Święto Konstytucji it’s day free from work too :) – national holiday
If you take 1 extra day off there was 4 days free from work :) We called it “długi weekend” (long weekend). On my university they were so kind that gave us that extra day :)
Me and my family decided to go on the seaside for this free time. My mum didn’t want to go – she prefer staying at home than traveling ^ ^” On the trip was my dad, sister with husband and their child – my 4-years old nephew :) and me of course. I was having a lot of doubts is this trip going to be fun. You know – trip with your family and kid isn’t the same that with friends. But it turns out a really fine trip. There wasn’t any fights – almost :P but I suspected it will be worst.
Unfortunately weather wasn’t kind for us :/ It was cold and cloudy. Despite that, we walked on the beach few times. My nephew was enchanted by sand – he could dig in it for hours xD I was admiring views, listening the swoosh of surf, looking for shells and… shrimps! O_o It turns out that in Bałtyk are shrimps! Couldn’t believe that, thought they don’t live in salty water :P
Now I have a weekend and a lot is going on :) There are Juwenalia in Poland – it’s a big, outdoor event for all students! I love it! Once in a year, for almost month in Warsaw (and other big cities in Poland) every student can go on various concerts for free, there are parades too… During that time, students drinks a lot and have a really good time. Because the finals are coming they are having extra fun on Juwenalia, after that there will be only study ^ ^
I’m not going on any concert this weekend. Some of my friends are, but I’ll go to club tonight with my best friend and her pals. It’s going to be great! :D Can’t wait!
Yesterday was with Monia in Warsaw to have some drinks and talk. We’re walking for almost hour, coz couldn’t decide where to go for that drinks ^ ^ Finally found small but nice bar with pancakes and drinks :) We ate and then drink a bit… More than “a bit” ^ ^ But it was so fun!
A lot of rape near the coast.
Cloudy, isn't it?
Shrimp on my nephew's toy shovel ^ ^
Love the sea!
Dad gone out to sea and caught a few fish.
Seaport in Władysławowo.
Don't know what it is, looks strange but nice ^.^
Few pictures from our walking & searching for right bar with drinks.
Burn + wodka and some picture on the wall inside "4 kąty".
Martini + Sprite.
Ours pancakes looks a bit like pizza ^ ^ very tasty though.
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